Memories of Yesterday
May 28, 1968 -- Graduation!!!

1968 -- Our graduation was just weeks away.  We stood in the hallway outside the administrative offices, in our cap and gowns readying for practice in our auditorium.  The movie "The Good, Bad, and the Ugly" was playing in the theaters.  Our minds set on the day we would walk down the aisle and receive our diploma.  No more school, studying; but also for many, our friends we grew up with would be going their separate ways.  Some to college; others on vacation, and still others would be answering the call of our nation in a far off land called Vietnam.  It was also a turbulent time with Senator Bobby Kennedy's assassination as he campaigned for the Presidency.  Dr. Martin Luther King would be assassinated not too long afterwards.  Our era of peacefulness was at an end and we were steeling ourselves to venture forth into the unknown.  Where would we be in the coming years?  How many of us would survive the turbulent '60s, now only a couple years before it ended.  Our "flower-child" era would eventually give way to a more "yuppie" era.  Man would land on the moon, and the world would go on.  What would be our role in this new era?  How many leaders, planners, businessmen and women, would our class give birth to?

Later in 2008, we will have a complete PDF file of our 1968 annual (yearbook to some); available for everyone desiring a copy.  You may request a copy by sending us an email at:

We've added some new buttons below but they aren't active as yet.  We're still composing the pages and selecting the images to include.  Our yearbook said that, "These pages were filled with you and your faces -- The Many Faces of KHS."

View our 1968 Commencement Exercise brochure in Adobe PDF format.

Faithfully reproduced as exact as possible and converted to PDF.  If you've misplaced your original, download ours after it loads into Adobe.
Graduation Day -- Class of 1968; May 28, 1968 at Rancier Stadium.  Camera angle is from the stands that were against the fence bordering Rancier Avenue.

Caption reads:  "Graduation Time -- Killeen High School's graduation class -- 384 strong -- lines up on the football field at Kangaroo Stadium during graduation ceremonies held Tuesday night.  Approximately 3,000 persons attended the exercises, the largest graduating class in KHS history."

Rekindle old memories and click on the Commencement Exercise brochure above and see who all graduated.