I married my high school sweetheart, Cynthia Music. We have been married for 37 years (it will be 38 in October). We have two children - a son and a daughter. Our son and his wife have two children - Olivia and Trip; our daughter and her husband have one child - Kennedy. I am "G-PAW" and it's the best role I've ever had. Cynthia is "Cynni" and being a grandparent is wonderful!
I served 25 years as a Texas State Trooper in Irving, Austin, and Killeen. I was also drafted and served my three years in the U.S. Army in the state of New York. Upon returning to Texas, I continued serving as a Trooper. After retiring as a Trooper, I became the local Justice of the Peace and am still working in that position. I love every minutes of it and have no immediate plans to retire. Cynthia has been in education for 34 years and is a principal at Venable Village Elementary School with Killeen ISD. She loves what she does and also has no plans to retire.
I am an avid fisherman and love to hunt! Playing with those grandchildren is the best thing I do in my spare time.
I love serving the city and people of Killeen and you'd be surprised how many old friends I run into. Killeen has been very good to us and we enjoy calling ourselves KILLEENITES!
If you're ever in the area - drop in to visit!
Residence: 1803 Mockingbird Lane, Killeen, Texas 76541.

(Confirmed with Whitepages.com, April 12, 2008)