Daniel Hill Biography
After graduation, I attended Central Texas College (1968-1974), working towards a degree in Drafting and Design Technology.  Worked for the Killeen Theaters (1968-75) and worked for the Texas Highway Department (1974-76), helping to build the I-190 bypass from Dog Ridge Mountain through to Copperas Cove.

1976 - Joined the United States Navy; traveled the world and was an active participant in many of the world events:  "Operation Boat People," rescuing Vietnamese refugees fleeing across the South China Sea, Iranian Revolution, Korean Presidential Assassination, Sino-Vietnamese War, Iranian Hostage Crisis, Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, Iran/Iraq War, Lebanon Crisis in 1987 supporting evacuation of civilian non-combatants from Lebanon, Somolia Crisis, Hatian Crisis, Bosnian Crisis; until my retirement in 1996.

1978 - Married to Asuncion Cosindad Juares, from the Philippines and celebrated our 30th anniversary in May 2008.  Have three wonderful children, a grandson and live in the small town of Converse, next to Randolph Air Force Base just north of San Antonio.  Worked for the Texas Railroad Commission, Oil and Gas Division in San Antonio for several years, and worked for the International Bank of Commerce as an Administrative Assistant to the Executive Vice President of the Internal Audit Department in San Antonio.  Currently work with the Internal Revenue Service, Austin, Texas.

1983 - Received an Associates in Science Degree, General Studies in fields of History, Administration, Law Enforcemenet, Business Management.

1998 -- Started a small wholesale business in San Antonio, and began internet sales in 2002 (www.misticshores.com).

2002 - First grandchild born to daughter, Katherine Lynn (Hill) Pascual and christened Tristen Li Hill.

2004 - Began research on a ship from the Second World War, it's crew, and voyages for the National Archives; all part of their attempt to document and preserve the experiences of our World War II veterans.

2005-2009 - Working on Bachelors degree in Business Management/Marketing, using VA education benefits.

2050 - Celebrate 100th birthday with family and look forward to celebrating 150th birthday in 2100.

Hobbies:  Active participant in National Geographic's "Genographic Project", researching family DNA and human migration from Africa through the Middle East, Europe, North America, and Asia.  Member of World War II Memorial Foundation, Ellis Island Foundation, Navy Memorial Foundation.  Published author of "Armageddon" copyrighted with Library of Congress in 1980 (two additional books, "Armageddon Stalemate" and "Armageddon Aftermath" in progress); collected short stories, poetry from high school; another novel, "Paradise Island," my military autobiography, "A Sailors Story," and an autobiography of the World War II ship, "LSM-5 - My Story," currently nearing completion (2008).  I love to putter around in my rose and flower gardens, maintaining 3 websites, and genealogical/DNA/documentary research in spare time.  I also create personal websites, such as those for our class.

Looking forward to meeting our alumni, one more time and reminiscing about old times.

Residence:  Converse, Texas  78109

Email:  danielhillusa@att.netWebmaster68@att.net
2003 -- Daughter's Wedding